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Working Diligently On The Dominion God Has Given

Naquan Taitt
“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.” Ecclesiastes‬ ‭9:10‬ ‭NIV‬‬

This season by far has been one of the most challenging, taxing on the body and the most rewarding season of my life. Between work, beauty care business spearheaded by my wife ( and digital marketing business partnership growth that I have on my end ( ), we now have to thrown in light renovation.

When seizing the hose we like we knew that the price point was low due to the amount of work that needs to go into the house. Now it’s time to put in the work. Me and my wife by no means are experts in renovations but we’ve had experience working with our hands painting and I’ve been apart of several small building projects with my church. Working for free can give you a Wealth of information that you can use for your future. I always wanted the opportunity to work with my hands and fixing my house due to the fact that I know I will save money on expenses. I knew that gaining experience working with the brother in whenever there’s a home project, church building project, or project any sort especially if/when I had the free time would help me to meet that goal in the future. wealth of information that you can use for your future. I always wanted the opportunity to work with my hands and fixing my house due to the fact that I know I would save money on expenses. I knew that gaining experience working with the brethren whenever there’s a home project, church building project, or project for any sort especially if/when I have the free time would help me to meet that goal in the future. it was now time to put that theory to the test. With a hand full of tools, YouTube,God the Father, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and my wife it’s time to put this theory to the test.

I must admit I’m tired after everting that predicated before but we are working on a short timeframe to get the kids up here. We‘ve broken our projects into time lines and the goals is painting 3 rooms for today and would leave next.

1. Painting 4 more rooms

2. Redoing the floors for all 7 rooms in the house

Seeing that it took us 8 hrs two rooms we don’t have much time to tarry. I have work tomorrow.

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